stegbrute that stands for steganography and bruteforce is a fast and simple steganography brute-force tool written in rust
What is this?
This program tries to extract hidden files using steganography inside another file or files, to extract these files you need a password and by bruteforcing as many passwords as you want very quickly (thanks to threads and rust) this tries to extract the hidden files and to find the passprhase.
But how do i use it?
First of all you need to download the program, you can download it in 4 ways they are all documentated in the github repository, or you can just download the pre-built binaries from the releases section.
now that you have stegbrute installed run it with -h
or —help
option, this is what you should see
____ _ ____ _
/ ___|| |_ ___ __ _| __ ) _ __ _ _| |_ ___
\___ \| __/ _ \/ _` | _ \| '__| | | | __/ _ \
___) | || __/ (_| | |_) | | | |_| | || __/
|____/ \__\___|\__, |____/|_| \__,_|\__\___|
StegBrute v0.1.1 - By R4yan
StegBrute 0.1.1
Steganography bruteforce tool
stegbrute [FLAGS] [OPTIONS] --file-name <file-name> --wordlist <wordlist>
-h, --help Prints help information
-V, --version Prints version information
-v, --verbose shows every try the program does
-x, --extract-file <extract-file> the file name path where you want to write the results [default:
-f, --file-name <file-name> the file name path you want to crack
-t, --threads <threads> number of threads to bruteforce the file [default: 3]
-w, --wordlist <wordlist> path of the wordlist
now you are ready to crack any image!
example on how to use stegbrute :
stegbrute -f image.jpg -w wordlist.txt -x results.txt
where -f
is the file you want to crack, -w
is the wordlist (a big list of passwords), -x
is where you want to save your results, output :
____ _ ____ _
/ ___|| |_ ___ __ _| __ ) _ __ _ _| |_ ___
\___ \| __/ _ \/ _` | _ \| '__| | | | __/ _ \
___) | || __/ (_| | |_) | | | |_| | || __/
|____/ \__\___|\__, |____/|_| \__,_|\__\___|
|___/StegBrute v0.1.1 - By R4yan
Bruteforcing the file 'image.jpg' with the wordlist 'wordlist.txt' using 3 threads
(thread-0) Failed to crack the file, finished the passwords 178.02ms
(thread-2) Failed to crack the file, finished the passwords 284.84ms
password try: cool123 - Success
File extracted!
Password: cool123
Results written in: results.txt
Tried passwords : 62
Successfully cracked in 499.64ms
it’s pretty fast, stegbrute tried 62 passords in half a second! as you can see it also shows the status of every thread
I saw around also stegcracker wich is also a great program so i tried to compare it to stegbrute, and these are the results:
stegcracker :
# time stegcracker image.jpg wordlist.txt | grep -E "real|user|sys"
real 0m1.754s
user 0m0.420s
sys 0m0.362s
stegbrute :
# time stegbrute -f image.jpg -w wordlist.txt | grep -E "real|user|sys"
real 0m0.553s
user 0m0.366s
sys 0m0.460s
showing that stegbrute is more faster than stegcracker (i also tried to compare using other large wordlists)
stegbrute benchmark on different wordlists using 3 threads
Wordlist passwords | Time |
100 | 841.12ms |
1000 | 8.57s |
10000 | 77.79s |
100000 | 775.93s |
these values of course can vary on due to your machine power